Zelda – Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Ever since the Nintendo Entertainment system came out when I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to play Zelda.  There were two camps, Nintendo and Sega when I was in elementary school and I was in the Sega camp.  My best friend had a Sega so that is what I went with and stayed with Sega when the Genesis came out which was the last console I had ever purchased.

When I decided to buy the Nintendo Switch at the end of 2017 I also bought Zelda on a whim and that perhaps it would take me back to my childhood watching my friends play.  At first it just sat there until one day I decided to try it out.  Well, I did not anticipate how fun the game would be and my free time was nothing but Zelda from January – April 2018.

I did actually finish the game about a month ago stumbling upon Ganon while exploring the castle.  I thought I’d quickly die but actually ended up beating him which was much easier than I expected for a final boss.  After that I reloaded a saved state and continued on with all the other aspects of the game saving Ganon for when the game was pretty much completed.

Here are a few of my favorite screenshots from the game:

Here is a link to all of my screenshots

Link’s Home


Link’s House

Bolson Construction

Pondo’s Lodge