Let it Goat – Disney Frozen

OMG this is funny.  I haven't laughed this hard at a video in a while.  Let it Goat - Disney Frozen https://youtu.be/A_DaizJnnJQ

OMG this is funny.  I haven’t laughed this hard at a video in a while.  Let it Goat – Disney Frozen https://youtu.be/A_DaizJnnJQ

Little Apple – Chopstick Brothers – My favorite song of 2014

My FAVORITE song of 2014!!! TRULY EPIC!!! “Little Apple by the Chopstick Brothers. 本当に素敵この歌は。ビデオもおもしろい!!今年の一番 好きな歌になりました。 (>.<)/ https://youtu.be/QESBcjX-G9g Little Apple I planted a seedAnd finally it bore fruitToday is a great dayTo pluck the stars and give them to youTo pull down the moon and give it to youAnd let the sun rise for you every…… Continue reading Little Apple – Chopstick Brothers – My favorite song of 2014


When the baby is crying and being very hard to console I have a failsafe method that always works just like magic.  This song is “Do you know the Muffin Man” on YouTube and it must be this version, no other.   My extreme annoyance and that which makes me want to launch the Ipad…… Continue reading Annonyances

This is Halloween! :-)

Discovered this gem at the end of The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack; a song that the boy and I have find common ground on.  Rolling down the windows and CRANKING IT UP as we cruise through the supermarket parking lot.   https://youtu.be/jU6iP0WLsU8

East Coker – T.S. Eliot

I’m fascinated by this poem.  I heard a few snippets of it from this music and had to know where it came from: Grasscut – Blink in the Night https://youtu.be/mP2YrTPAqpE “East Coker,” from “The Four Quartets. I. In my beginning is my end. In succession Houses rise and fall, crumble, are extended, Are removed, destroyed,…… Continue reading East Coker – T.S. Eliot