ATB – You’re Not Alone (Official Video HD): Just rediscovered the WordPress blogging community! I’ve kept my own blog for eons but it is my own install and I never really sought out a wider WordPress community. The other night I felt like reading others personal blogs and found a way to browse an…… Continue reading I am not alone
Tag: Wordpress
I’ve been a Wordpress user since 2007. Before that it was Moveable Type.
Hello Visitor
Currently making some changes and rethinking the whole blog. Learning a lot.
The Internet
I had my first website in 1997. It was composed using Microsoft World and simply hitting the “translate to html” button. I used free hosts like Geocities, Angelfire and Lycos. Back then it was kind of a badge of honor as most people were not yet online and most people didn’t know what URLs were nor HTTP.
Saigon Stories – Today’s Adventure
Today was actually not so adventuresome. However, today the Buddhist funeral infront of my house ended. The old lady who spoke to me in French not 6 months before and told me to “Firmez le porte doucemont” passed away. They then erected a shrine and had chants, prayers and visitors for three days. It was…… Continue reading Saigon Stories – Today’s Adventure