Muslims and Christians

Since September 11th and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq there has been an enormous surge of interest in the Muslim world from America. The ordinary American knowing nothing of this ancient culture will pick up bits and pieces from various sources including academic books, hateful right wing talk radio, American soldiers experiences or extreme…… Continue reading Muslims and Christians

Culture shock in San Francisco

I had thought that the culture shock had subsided but I continue to be shocked, amazed, confounded by my surroundings here. Before I describe these instances, I’d like to back up and explain a bit about why they “shock” a person returning from abroad. Living in another country, one is continually exposed to different behaviors…… Continue reading Culture shock in San Francisco


The second definition of “institutionalized” in the dictionary is, “Given the character of an institution or incorporated into a structured and usually well-established system.” The first definition as an adjective states “Officially placed in or committed to a specialized institution.”Institution – “An organization founded and united for a specific purpose.” Therefore could it not be…… Continue reading Institutionalized

Shakedown in America

Now that my Movabletype is back up and running, I can finally start posting with some regularity again. As you may have already guessed, the main theme of my posts are simply the experiences, learning and how mentality and ideas evolve over time for someone who lives in different countries and is exposed to extremely…… Continue reading Shakedown in America

The world has gone crazy

As usual I haven’t written in a long time. This is party due to the culture of America and we are constantly busy and must schedule our time to get anything accomplished. But finally, the pent up thoughts are bursting free as I could no longer hold them back being subjected to one ridiculous notion,…… Continue reading The world has gone crazy

Wikipedia – Inaccurate???

Recently, I’ve been reading many articles stating that Wikipedia is a “dubious source” when researching. The problem is that anyone can add to it and articles can be checked and edited by others with the same academic interest. This means anyone in the world can check articles for accuracy and to me, this is the…… Continue reading Wikipedia – Inaccurate???