Une soirée merveilleuse

Un autre jour sans la famille.  I had thought I would very much enjoy this time alone but the expected euphoria has yet to arrive.  I feel nothing – except that I very much miss my family. Having two small children is like running a marathon.  There are moments when the endorphins kick in -…… Continue reading Une soirée merveilleuse

Sunset – Thursday, September 24, 2015

Perhaps the final sunset from my view for 2015.  It will now be hidden behind the mountain until it returns next spring. In 2014 I called the final sunset also on September 25th in this blog post; yet in my calendar I had it on September 22nd.  I guess it just depends if I’m watching…… Continue reading Sunset – Thursday, September 24, 2015

La vida

Despues de visitar la tumba de Junipero Serra y aprender sobre las tristezas causados por la Misión de San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, es apropiado celebrar la vida con una botella de gran alegria. Salud!