Tag: garden
My garden.
Journal Entry – Sunday – Meditation
It is 2:48 PM on Sunday afternoon in the middle of June. I’m sitting on my patio enjoying a very warm, fog free day. The animals seem to be enjoying it as well: there is a red-tailed hawk perched on a very high branch surveying the ocean while small birds chirp and flutter with a…… Continue reading Journal Entry – Sunday – Meditation
In the garden today
Flowers in the garden
Two of my favorite flowers in the garden have recently bloomed. For the first time we have an Agapanthus which I planted a year or two ago and has finally produced a flower. The second is the Dietes, or Butterfly Iris which is one of the most exquisite flowers I’ve ever seen. When looking at a…… Continue reading Flowers in the garden
Squirrels helping themselves to the bird feeder and bath
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Butterfly Iris (dietes) from the garden.
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Evening on the patio
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