Star Wars

I just saw the new Star Wars move “Revenge of the Sith” last night. As it plays in the theaters in the USA it’s already out on DVD in Vietnam. The movie was excellent and some of the lines really stuck in my mind. It appears George Lucas is paralleling the political environment of our…… Continue reading Star Wars

Saigon Stories – Thoughts of the day – Communism and Capitalism

When I was a kid, there were times when explanations were given that just didn’t make much sense. At that time I simply thought I was not smart enough to understand. However, as I have gotten older and traveled, I’ve found that many adults have an answer but really do not have a good understanding…… Continue reading Saigon Stories – Thoughts of the day – Communism and Capitalism

E-mail to Dad 7.2.2004

Good Morning Dad, I’m glad you like the books.  I’ve been reading a lot lately about space and where exactly we are.  Living abroad has done so much more for me than simply language.  I’m able to understand people, their influences and mentality much better now.  Getting out of one’s normal environment really makes one…… Continue reading E-mail to Dad 7.2.2004