Needed to take some time to reflect on a few things. Even though I don’t believe in Christianity anymore there doesn’t seem to be a secular alternative for prayer. This is especially true when friends have died or things going very wrong for people close to you.
Tag: Christianity
I was raised in a Catholic environment and went to Catholic school. There is a separate tag for Catholicism. These posts are about Christianity overall.
Christmas time at Grace Cathedral
America and Religion
So what exactly is a Christian? Do all “Christians” believe other sects, denominations etc are equally as “Christian as them? The answer to that is probably a resounding no, or a very weak yes.
What is Marriage? – A Unique Perspective
Is marriage something the state confers upon the couple or is it religion? Or perhaps it is a promise we make to ourselves and our partner? How much weight should we give to “authorities” and under what authority do they derive their own authority? Do they really even matter?
Muslims and Christians
Since September 11th and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq there has been an enormous surge of interest in the Muslim world from America. The ordinary American knowing nothing of this ancient culture will pick up bits and pieces from various sources including academic books, hateful right wing talk radio, American soldiers experiences or extreme…… Continue reading Muslims and Christians
The Presidential Debate
It has been a very long while since I last wrote an entry in my blog. This may be due to the fact that life doesn’t hold so many exciting discoveries when you’re back in your home country and it’s so easy to slip into monotonous routine. However after watching the presidential debate I’ve made…… Continue reading The Presidential Debate
Evangelist Pat Robertson does it again
Reading CNN today I found that Pat Robertson has again pissed off a large mass of people. Apparently he called the major stroke suffered by Ariel Sharon an act of “divine retribution” for dividing the holy land. Such nonsense could be expected from zealots of any religion but traveling back to America I was struck…… Continue reading Evangelist Pat Robertson does it again
It baffles me to see what is going on with the Religious Right in the United States at the moment. More specifically, the inclusion of “Intelligent Design” in the High School classrooms. This is a direct affront to science and reason. It is almost as if the United States is sinking into a new “Dark…… Continue reading Religion