Time passes quickly. It is shocking to me that I’m only a few years away from 50 years old. It doesn’t seem so long ago that I was 38 and still considered myself young. The reminders are everywhere. Kids born in the year 2000 are now 23 years old. They were born five years after…… Continue reading Westland Mall – Columbus, Ohio
Journal Entry – Comics
Every morning I read the Columbus Dispatch on my iPad. My hometown newspaper holds a lot of nostalgia for me and I like to start my day here in California with a taste of home. When I was young I used to read the paper’s comic section at lunch usually with a nice bowl of…… Continue reading Journal Entry – Comics
Remembering “The Dollar Theater” – Cinemark Carriage Place Movies 12
I’ve spent a good part of the day swinging on my patio overlooking the ocean, reading ‘Indigenous Continent,’ and writing about the summer coming to an end. I also read my post from 2016 about growing up in Golfview Woods. While I was back in Ohio this summer my dad and I went to the…… Continue reading Remembering “The Dollar Theater” – Cinemark Carriage Place Movies 12
Journal Entry – 7.30.2023
It is 10:30AM on July 30th, 2023. There is a morning chill as I swing on the patio in the shade waiting for the sun to warm things up. The fog is sitting just off the coast at a level where it is blocked by Montara mountain and so opens up a nice oasis here…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 7.30.2023
Dream Journal – Fail Math at OSU
I usually keep posts to my dream journal private. This one reoccurs perhaps twice a year for me with some variation and is of the type most people have from time to time. I’m a student again at Ohio State University and everything is fine except for a difficult math class which I also haven’t…… Continue reading Dream Journal – Fail Math at OSU
Worldcoin – World ID
Worldcoin and its World ID launched this week. Another crypto project that I wouldn’t have paid attention to except it is run by Sam Altman, the CEO of Chat GPT. One of the main differences with this one is you have to “verify yourself as human” by getting your retina scanned by an “orb.” Well,…… Continue reading Worldcoin – World ID
Journal Entry – 7.24.2023
After a whirlwind summer that included a trip to Idaho to memorialize by cousin Paul, a trip home to Ohio, two very busy weeks in Japan and then a week of jet-lag induced lethargy I’m feeling good. This was my first really productive day in a while and I got everything accomplished. The first was…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 7.24.2023
Journal Entry – 7.22.2023
It is 10:08 AM on Saturday July 22nd, 2023. The jet-lag has been terrible and I’ve just gotten out of bed. I woke up at 8:30 but then drifted in and out of sleep for the next hour and a half. My first thought after getting out of bed was the noise. We are inundated…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 7.22.2023