It is with sadness that I’m starting off 2025. I learned that my old classmate Sabrina passed away on December 28th. Sabrina and I were classmates at Trinity Elementary school from Kindergarten through 8th grade starting in the early 1980s and then we attended the same high school for the first two years until she…… Continue reading Memorial Post – Sabrina Bowshier Gillen – 3/15/1977 – 12/28/2024
The Grandview Pool – Memories
The Grandview Pool in Columbus Ohio holds a special place in my heart. I grew up in Grandview until the 4th grade and have very fond memories of visiting the pool in those early childhood days. My grandparents on my father’s side grew up in Upper Arlington, my father in Grandview and now my parents…… Continue reading The Grandview Pool – Memories
Autumn in Columbus
Autumn Moon in the Early Morning
誰がこの明るい月を見て、 秋の朝に心動か されないだろうか – 良寛 “Who can remain unmovedbeneath this bright moonon an autumn morning?” – Ryokan
The Trump Win and My Thoughts
It is November 8th, 2024. We just had perhaps one of the most important elections in American history and the majority of Americans have overwhelmingly chosen a path that will change the country into something I cannot recognize. The country I knew, one that rightly or wrongly, we Americans considered a force for good in…… Continue reading The Trump Win and My Thoughts
My Neighbors
I remain fascinated by the passage of time and my neighbors have become a reference point in how everything changes. I just learned from a real estate friend that my neighbor Tom is selling his house even though there is no sign in the front. With his move that now makes us one of the…… Continue reading My Neighbors
Dream Journal – The Restaurant
Last night I dreamt I was in a restaurant with a group of family and acquaintances which I’ll list shortly. The focus here is on the restaurant which is reoccurring but only once every couple of years. The restaurant is very high end, but somewhat gloomy and sober. I’m not afraid of the bill as…… Continue reading Dream Journal – The Restaurant
Journal Entry – 10.6.2024
It is 9:22 AM on Sunday, October 6th, 2024. We’re in a heat wave – or dome as they now call it – and it is actually warm in the morning. It is rare to not need a jacket in the mornings here in Pacifica but it is rarer still when it is downright warm,…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.6.2024