Category: Miscellaneous
Posts that do not fit into any specific category.
Dianne Feinstein Letter
Dear Mateo: Thank you for writing to me regarding the coronavirus pandemic and air travel. I appreciate hearing from you, and I welcome the opportunity to respond. The coronavirus pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on the air travel industry. Across the globe, airports are nearly empty and flights are grounded because of strict international travel limitations…… Continue reading Dianne Feinstein Letter
Deer morning breakfast
Journal Entry 11.19.19
It is 12:35 PM on Tuesday November 19th, 2019. The weather is overcast with gray clouds, the temperature a cool 62 degrees and a strong wind blows through the trees. It is this type of weather that lets me know we are in autumn. There are a number of thoughts running through my head so…… Continue reading Journal Entry 11.19.19
Mars Rover 2020 – Boarding Pass
NASA is doing the public outreach again where you can add your name to a tiny silicon chip that will be aboard the 2020 Mars Rover. I got my boarding pass and more frequent flyer miles!
A Trip to the Circus
A few weeks ago my wife showed me a few free children’s tickets to the Garden Bros Circus she had gotten somewhere during her usual routines. My kids had never been to the circus and I think I’ve been only once in my life although the only memories I have are just flickers and could…… Continue reading A Trip to the Circus
Raccoons in the shed
On November 8th I forgot to close the door to my shed. On Friday November 9th I walked out, opened the door and found it was partially blocked and the entirety of my shed had been ransacked!! I thought I had been robbed! In my confusion I quickly turned to the most valuable items which…… Continue reading Raccoons in the shed
Cobra Kai
I’ve written quite a bit about this new show Cobra Kai in the past couple of posts but thought it deserved it’s own post. Cobra Kai is a new series on YouTube Red which continues the Karate Kid saga of the ’80s but from Johnny’s point of view and it is completely awesome. I watched…… Continue reading Cobra Kai