Journal Entry 7.29.2016

It is now 6:06 AM.  I’ve been awake since 1:30 and could not fall back asleep.  At first I just flipped through various apps on my phone and tried to go sleep again but that didn’t work.  So I got up, watched some Thoughty2 and tried to sleep again but that didn’t work either.  Then…… Continue reading Journal Entry 7.29.2016

Journal Entry – Devil’s Slide Taproom

So far today I’ve gotten a massive amount of gardening done.  The front island was overgrown and I had to get the trellis in the ground so we could buy the climbing plants.  And why did I get to do gardening?  Well, today I have a bit of rare free time from the kids and…… Continue reading Journal Entry – Devil’s Slide Taproom

New favorite song

Just discovered this song.  For me it elicits very strong images/emotions of my time in high school.  Aren’t we all dreamers?  I think when the dreams start to die we’ve become too old.  Adulthood has a way of killing youthful dreams and enthusiasm doesn’t it. We get so wrapped up in what others…… Continue reading New favorite song

Ohio – Indie guitar music

Just discovered what "soft indie guitar music" is and found this song about Ohio. It makes me want to slowly sip whiskey while watching the autumn leaves of red and orange fall softly on the horizon across a vast farming landscape in Chillicothe. Yes it does!

Just discovered what “soft indie guitar music” is and found this song about Ohio. It makes me want to slowly sip whiskey while watching the autumn leaves of red and orange fall softly on the horizon across a vast farming landscape in Chillicothe. Yes it does!

Little Apple – Chopstick Brothers – My favorite song of 2014

My FAVORITE song of 2014!!! TRULY EPIC!!! “Little Apple by the Chopstick Brothers. 本当に素敵この歌は。ビデオもおもしろい!!今年の一番 好きな歌になりました。 (>.<)/ Little Apple I planted a seedAnd finally it bore fruitToday is a great dayTo pluck the stars and give them to youTo pull down the moon and give it to youAnd let the sun rise for you every…… Continue reading Little Apple – Chopstick Brothers – My favorite song of 2014