Japanese Folk Songs

I came across this music as I was searching for the song at the end of the movie Tokyo Story (東京物語). Tokyo Story is a movie from 1953 about an older couple who go to visit their children in Tokyo. What I most enjoyed about the film was its nod to the passage of time.…… Continue reading Japanese Folk Songs

Categorized as Music

Journal Entry – 10.20.2016

Sunset at Nick's - Rockaway Beach - 10.20.2016

It is 5:16 AM. Today I have an all day travel industry event and must leave very early so my morning ‘me time’ is cut very short.  These things can be a bit draining but also great opportunities to do a lot of networking.  Needless to say I’m looking forward to tomorrow which is Friday.…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.20.2016

The Dining Rooms – M. Dupont

One of my favorite tracks, M. Dupont by The Dining Rooms.Very good match of the song with the video clip (Lost Highway) on YouTube: https://youtu.be/fhhBxgZFu6M Album: Numero DeuxArtist: The Dining RoomsAppears on: Ayurveda Budda Lounge Volume 1 / Subterranean Modern Vol. 1

Categorized as Movies, Music