More Culture Shock in San Francisco

The culture shock continues here in San Francisco!!! As every study abroad or expat knows, when returning to the home country, some things really stand out as strange or bizarre since even though it is your home country, it might seem a little foreign. Well, San Francisco IS foreign!!! There are entire neighorhoods here where…… Continue reading More Culture Shock in San Francisco

Another CNN rant

I have said time and time again that CNN is awful and most intelligent people agree. So what is it that keeps us watching it? Apparently their business model works if even I cannot change my web browser start up page. I guess it’s because they have a worldwide network and are the first to…… Continue reading Another CNN rant

Intelligence Agencies!!

Hey Intelligence Agencies!!! Good news, I found the terrorists!! I’m sitting here watching the news in California and they’ve just reported that gang members have killed two 14 year olds in the past week! If you’re not too busy please use your “precision guided missiles” to unleash some “shock and awe” in the city of…… Continue reading Intelligence Agencies!!

Poor FBI

I saw the picture above in the news today and just couldn’t help but laugh. As I sit here in SF contemplating my new job opportunities, I must admit that I’ve given a spit second thought to the NSA, CIA and FBI due to international experience and language abilities. However, in light of current events…… Continue reading Poor FBI

At Narita Airport – Move to San Francisco

Well, the day has come to move back to America and the culture shock has already begun. I’m writing this in the departure lobby of Narita Airport but will post later because they charge 500 yen to use the Internet hotspot! The culture shock actually begins here at Narita since Narita has the shakedown mastered.…… Continue reading At Narita Airport – Move to San Francisco