It seems not a day goes by without some mention of protests and the Olympic torch. I for one didn’t pay much attention until today when I read the Sunday edition of the San Francisco Chronicle 4-6-2008. The articles “2 views of Beijing as Olympics approach,” contained “Tibetan Americans: Bay Area exiles fight to keep…… Continue reading Olympic Torch – San Francisco
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Muslims and Christians
Since September 11th and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq there has been an enormous surge of interest in the Muslim world from America. The ordinary American knowing nothing of this ancient culture will pick up bits and pieces from various sources including academic books, hateful right wing talk radio, American soldiers experiences or extreme…… Continue reading Muslims and Christians
The Presidential Debate
It has been a very long while since I last wrote an entry in my blog. This may be due to the fact that life doesn’t hold so many exciting discoveries when you’re back in your home country and it’s so easy to slip into monotonous routine. However after watching the presidential debate I’ve made…… Continue reading The Presidential Debate
The Coconut Example – Services in America
Thus we come to my Coconut example which describes the anxiety I feel being back in the USA after living in Vietnam for two years. It also is a decent stab at an explanation of why I clearly prefer life in SE Asia over life here.
BaySpo – Won long drive contest at golf tournament
Won the long drive contest Won the long drive contest with a drive of 328 yards.
Californians cannot drive
As I have not written an interesting post in almost a year I thought it was about time I sat down and typed out my experiences over the past year here in San Francisco. Unfortunately, after a nice dinner and watching the first DVD of James Clavell’s Shogun, the time is now 10:00pm and I…… Continue reading Californians cannot drive
Finding Mr. Bill Tatz
This is an old picture (Year – 2000) in front of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) where we had just come out of a meeting. My friend to the left is named Bill Tatz. During the trip he fell in love with an Australian and apparently moved to Australia never to be heard from again.…… Continue reading Finding Mr. Bill Tatz
I’m Back Again!!!
I haven’t written an entry in years. You may think it’s because I ran out of stuff to say. But if you knew me, you know that that can’t be true…. Truth is, I fell into “gaming” again. I’ve been a “gamer” or video-gamer as they say since I was 6. The video game industry…… Continue reading I’m Back Again!!!