1. BART Shooting (Bay Area Rapid Transit) It has made national news. The shooting of an unarmed man by police the night of New Years Eve (Day technically) has been all over the internet recently. It is obvious that the officer made a HUGE error and now mobs of people are calling for his head.…… Continue reading Issues of the week
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Meet the Press, Crossfire, Face the Nation
I do not normally watch any of these shows, but “Meet the Press” was on while I had breakfast this morning and I had an amazing revelation. First a brief description about these shows. It seems the formula that works is to put opposite views (Republican, Democrat) on each side of the table and then…… Continue reading Meet the Press, Crossfire, Face the Nation
Issues of the Day – Gay Marriage
1. Proposition 8 – Gay Marriage There was an article in the Wall Street journal about a “black list” of businesses that gay people were protesting due to their support of Proposition 8. It seems like these are extremists and such extremism isn’t really supported by the community. The article told the story of a…… Continue reading Issues of the Day – Gay Marriage
Language Study
In America, people will always ask if “you are fluent.” This is a tough question for the language learner because there are various stages of fluency which differs depending on which country you are in.
A Parody of the Media
A Parody of the Media Everyday, I check a variety of news sources on the net, TV and radio and have found similar patterns in all of them: HEADLINES!! 1. CNN a.) Brittney Spears did something again!!!b.) Paris Hilton also did something!!c.) Why isn’t Nicole Richie doing anything?d.) Christine Amanpour is desperately looking for a…… Continue reading A Parody of the Media
A Brief History of My Experience with Computers and the Internet
I find it hard to believe that it has been 13 years already since the internet became mainstream. However, in those thirteen years I have only come across a few applications that I have found extremely useful. First a brief history. I first started using a computer around age 13 on an Apple 2C to…… Continue reading A Brief History of My Experience with Computers and the Internet
Issues of the Day
Once again the urge to write has been slowly and steadily building over the course of these past few weeks as I read the headlines. After reading today’s newspaper this urge has finally bubbled over and if I do not write to release frustrations and disbeliefs I feel that my health might suffer. Each of…… Continue reading Issues of the Day
Why I’m an Environmentalist
“Going Green,” is a phrase everyone is using these days. Ever since Al Gore took up the cause it seems that this movement has really gained a lot of momentum. All the companies are “Going Green” now and it would seem to be just as much of a fad as a real and serious issue.…… Continue reading Why I’m an Environmentalist