An unusual Friday morning in San Francisco. Strikes, Jury Duty, Whiskey, Obama Protests, Cardboard People and a Pug
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Cherry Blossoms in Union Square
Passing through Union Square as I do most days saw that the Cherry Blossoms are in bloom No picnics going on in Union Square but there is the weekly Art show and plenty of tourists! — Post From My iPhone Location:Post St,San Francisco,United States
Salesman vs. Salesman – How to lower your bills
t occurred to me that, as a salesman, I interact with customers every single day and am always negotiating one way or another. Therefore, I thought it would be fun to put these skills to use and see what I could do about lowering my various monthly payments and I have to tell you it has turned into full blown FUN!
A Letter to my Foreign Friends (Living in Distant Lands) Warning: Politics involved!
It has now been four years since I came back to the States and what a ride. I got a nice job and joined corporate-land where they use the English language in a strange way such as say they “have so much on my plate,” and other metaphors which take me a minute to “digest.” Things are going well but I have to say I’m really envious of you all at the moment because I’m really missing life over there!!
10 Minutes of Insanity – Post gets worse as it goes along.
There is nothing like the “news” in America these days. Actually, most programs which claim to be “news” are really just opinions. Yet, these “opinions” are really just emotional outbursts which center on certain talking points. The talking points revolve around central themes which just happen to orbit two centers of gravity known as political…… Continue reading 10 Minutes of Insanity – Post gets worse as it goes along.
10 Minutes of Ruminations
If one listens to the talking heads too long in the media one is bound to go crazy. Thank goodness for American media that they have simplified the debate into two camps. The one camp that really stands out is of course the conservative side. I think this is because they say the most outrageous things which makes the news, youtube etc. They do better at getting people fired up.
The Politics of Avatar Movie
I think those that have spent a lot of time overseas, spent time assimilating into other cultures, have learned a language and know their history will feel the exact same way as I do about this film. In short, the special effects are great while the storyline is horrendous.
The Sky is Falling
They are calling our current economic state “The Great Recession.” As I am bombarded (through my own fault and due to Iphone) with bad news in the media and almost wonder if it is worth reading anymore. I read for enjoyment but also to get a feel as to how things are going to go…… Continue reading The Sky is Falling