I am not a conspiracy theorist.

Yet, I do very much enjoy the websites and Youtube videos of conspiracy theorists for entertainment. And having read/watched plenty of them I really cannot pass up the opportunity to draw a few parallels between relatively recent events and these theories. So please take all this with a HUGE grain of salt, this post is for fun… or is it? >:)

Internet Addict

For the first time in my life, I feel as though I am truly addicted to something.  Yet, I’m a bit confused on the nature of this addiction and thus feel the need to write in the hopes of getting it sorted out. This monster is always on, always there continually calling me to it.…… Continue reading Internet Addict

Arizona Immigration Law – A Unique Perspective

Yet again another political issue is all over the media.  And as usual the debate is superficial filled with shallow “talking points,” which paint the issue as black and white and the color you choose being your political affiliation. I find the debate swirling around the details of the law a bit too much.  For…… Continue reading Arizona Immigration Law – A Unique Perspective

Current America, Israel Affair

The article “Democrats criticize Obama, highlight seriousness of U.S.-Israel flap” was amazing to me. At first, I was pretty surprised but as I thought about it more, I wonder if it doesn’t have to do with calming a very important voting block (The Jewish Population) which may be voting Democrat?

Healthcare – Designed by me

With all the chatter lately by people who are not experts in the field and know very little about the complexities involved I started to feel a bit left out and decided to come up with a healthcare plan of my own to join in the fun.

Therefore I present:


Ron Paul, Tea Party, Fox News and Colorado Springs

Ron Paul, Tea Party, Fox News and Colorado Springs. What do these four things have in common?  Well, for starters they were all mentioned in the news today.  But the exciting news is that I agree with ALL of them!! For anyone who has read my blog you probably think of me as a Liberal.…… Continue reading Ron Paul, Tea Party, Fox News and Colorado Springs