Vietnam – An American complex

In the past week I have seen many articles concerning the influence of politicians service (or non-service) in Vietnam.  Most recently, Richard Blumenthal claimed he served when actually he did not.  During the presidential election of 2004 there was a big issue about the “swift boat” soldiers and to be honest, I forget what the…… Continue reading Vietnam – An American complex

SPEAK AMERICAN! – Fun lesson in language

Speak American – The title was just to get your attention. I do not plan to get into politics at all with this post, (well maybe a little, I can’t help myself) but rather the VERY INTERESTING revelations I’ve had during my language studies.  These are the enlightenments which really made language learning fun and…… Continue reading SPEAK AMERICAN! – Fun lesson in language

Greece, debt and the European Bailout – How it affected me in S.F.

Before I get into how it affected me let’s do a quick recap of what is happening right now. I also prefer to keep it very simple. Greece owes a lot of money and they cannot pay it. This means they have to cut a lot of public services and since a VERY LARGE portion…… Continue reading Greece, debt and the European Bailout – How it affected me in S.F.

My View – Facebook and the Tell-All Generation

I am addicted to the New York Times “Most Popular” list of articles.  Yet again, there is an article I would like to comment on concerning social networks and how much information todays young people share.  The article “Tell-All Generation Learns to Keep Things Offline”  warns these people that the things you post on Facebook…… Continue reading My View – Facebook and the Tell-All Generation

My View – Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America

Just read an article in the New York times entitled “Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America.”

The article piqued my interest in that I’m all for building bridges between cultures and this program is a wonderful way to help American students learn the language of a country that will be (and is already) very important on the world stage. The article on the overall was very good but there was one statement that I take great issue with.