In the past week I have seen many articles concerning the influence of politicians service (or non-service) in Vietnam. Most recently, Richard Blumenthal claimed he served when actually he did not. During the presidential election of 2004 there was a big issue about the “swift boat” soldiers and to be honest, I forget what the…… Continue reading Vietnam – An American complex
Category: Journal
My life journal.
SPEAK AMERICAN! – Fun lesson in language
Speak American – The title was just to get your attention. I do not plan to get into politics at all with this post, (well maybe a little, I can’t help myself) but rather the VERY INTERESTING revelations I’ve had during my language studies. These are the enlightenments which really made language learning fun and…… Continue reading SPEAK AMERICAN! – Fun lesson in language
Social Networks – Facebook – Blogs and the future
I was recently asked why I created this blog and what I hoped to gain out of it. This really got me thinking and I’d like to explain my thoughts with a post. Before, I get into the specifics of this blog, I think it would be beneficial to take a very brief look back…… Continue reading Social Networks – Facebook – Blogs and the future
Things America should adopt from foreign cultures
Today I was reminiscing on the things I really missed in foreign countries that I just cannot find in America. There were things I really missed about America when I was abroad, but I have been back awhile and am now taking them for granted. So, my mind longs for these things and in case…… Continue reading Things America should adopt from foreign cultures
Greece, debt and the European Bailout – How it affected me in S.F.
Before I get into how it affected me let’s do a quick recap of what is happening right now. I also prefer to keep it very simple. Greece owes a lot of money and they cannot pay it. This means they have to cut a lot of public services and since a VERY LARGE portion…… Continue reading Greece, debt and the European Bailout – How it affected me in S.F.
My View – Facebook and the Tell-All Generation
I am addicted to the New York Times “Most Popular” list of articles. Yet again, there is an article I would like to comment on concerning social networks and how much information todays young people share. The article “Tell-All Generation Learns to Keep Things Offline” warns these people that the things you post on Facebook…… Continue reading My View – Facebook and the Tell-All Generation
My View – Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America
Just read an article in the New York times entitled “Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America.”
The article piqued my interest in that I’m all for building bridges between cultures and this program is a wonderful way to help American students learn the language of a country that will be (and is already) very important on the world stage. The article on the overall was very good but there was one statement that I take great issue with.
Relaxing Sunday Music – Erik Satie
I love this piece. It’s magical and mysterious like a dream. For some reason I conjure up images of a dream in a small jewelry box with a plastic ballerina gazing at me with wide open eyes and scary clowns meandering about. Pour moi c’est très mystérieuse, et magique comme un rêve. Je ne peux…… Continue reading Relaxing Sunday Music – Erik Satie