I wish to share with you a story. Actually, I’m not sure if it is a story or not but rather an idea. This idea I had while visiting an abandoned graveyard not far outside Killarney, Ireland. I. The Graveyards I decided to rent a bicycle and travel outside the town. I had gone not more…… Continue reading Graveyards and The Meaning of Life
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Mind Control
The title is to grab your attention. Most of you are probably thinking that I’m referring to controlling other people’s minds á là Jedi Powers right? But no, this post is going to be about controlling your own mind. At first, this might seem like an exotic, esoteric idea but put in the proper perspective it is…… Continue reading Mind Control
The New York Times and The Economist
If you’re an avid reader of both The Economist and The Times, then you will know there has been an ongoing feud between Paul Krugman, The Times Senior Economic party-pooper in chief and the identity-less army of economists at The Economist.
What is Marriage? – A Unique Perspective
Is marriage something the state confers upon the couple or is it religion? Or perhaps it is a promise we make to ourselves and our partner? How much weight should we give to “authorities” and under what authority do they derive their own authority? Do they really even matter?
Does the internet make us smart, stupid or just more informed?
As I am most knowledgeable from a linguistic perspective, I would argue that it makes us neither cocky nor stupid but rather more informed.
Life Currents – A Reflection
In fact, from the time we are born until the end of High School and perhaps university our path is pretty much laid out for us. We are required to attend school, learn things and at the end either continue on the stream or reach an abrupt end.
Renewed Interest in Blogging
I have renewed interest in writing in my personal blog. will mostly just be quick blurbs and pictures from my outings while other topics such as politics etc will be posted first to The Global Citizen then autoposted here. This is where I hope to get further away from Facebook and create my own little…… Continue reading Renewed Interest in Blogging
Did USA Today get an idea from The Global Citizen?
It would seem that The Global Citizen has been coming up with a lot of good ideas lately! I just read an article from USA Today that says the exact same things I’ve written about in two previous posts. USA Today Article:Negotiate your way to lower cable TV, cellphone bills Global Citizen Articles:Smart Consumer USA…… Continue reading Did USA Today get an idea from The Global Citizen?