Currently making some changes and rethinking the whole blog. Learning a lot.
Category: Journal
My life journal.
The Decision to Have a Child
Today in the news I caught a headline about a certain celebrity couple that is ready to “start pumping out kids.” This got me thinking about how much thought people in general really give to have children and their reasons for doing so. Now, when we discuss this with others and think about it ourselves…… Continue reading The Decision to Have a Child
Meaning of a Signature
The signature used to be unique and only you could sign yours. Therefore, when you put the pen to paper it was a promise, unique to you simply because nobody else could make your signature the way you do.
Friday Night
Yet again, long time no post. When I look back it seems that I tend to get motivated, it drops off then I get motivated again and so on. Well, tonight being Friday night it was Netflix night. We watched a pretty good one called “Mother and Child.” But as my mind tends to drift…… Continue reading Friday Night
Babies and Zen
Well, perhaps the answer is just a bit selfish. I enjoy being around other people, sharing my experiences, learning about them and simply having external contact. For me, being around people is energizing, exciting and much better than simply being alone all the time.
I just finished watching the movie Inception. Yes, I’m quite late and all the internet chatter about this movie has finished. The reason I’m behind is that I always wait for the movie to come out on Netflix, either streaming or DVD and even though it has been in our queue for a while, we…… Continue reading Inception
Just downloaded a client to run on my desktop so I don’t have to sign on to create a post in the blog. Today’s mood is “a bit frustrated.” As you all know I kind of see things through a cultural prism having spent time overseas. That is to say I see things as “the…… Continue reading Today
The Internet
I had my first website in 1997. It was composed using Microsoft World and simply hitting the “translate to html” button. I used free hosts like Geocities, Angelfire and Lycos. Back then it was kind of a badge of honor as most people were not yet online and most people didn’t know what URLs were nor HTTP.