New Year 2014

I usually like to write about an event while it is actually happening.  This year I just didn’t have the enthusiasm to write for Christmas and am a little bit delayed for the New Year.  So today, I’m forcing myself to get my thoughts down.   This New Year’s Eve we did not go to…… Continue reading New Year 2014


As I was watering a plant in the garden a humming bird came and started to drink. I remained still and kept the water pouring at a steady slow stream. The humming bird then landed and took a shower. He then left and right after his magnificent friend came for a drink and a shower.…… Continue reading Hummingbird

Thursday morning

It is a cold wet morning here in Pacifica.  I’m sitting at the Starbucks people watching and waiting for the time to pass before I must meet up with a colleague. I’m going to try and make an effort to write something in my blog everyday to add a little more substance to this online…… Continue reading Thursday morning

7.21.2013 – Entry

Another very long spell without having written anything.  It is a difficult thing to find the time when one has a young son that demands attention at every waking moment. But it is late now and my son is now in bed and I am afforded some quiet time and have a cold beer in…… Continue reading 7.21.2013 – Entry

Snapshot of my mind at 36 years

Just as I ask myself, “Why am I here” and “What is here.” I ask myself why I bother to write. I write because I am an archivist. I like to archive, to try to preserve this wonderful experience that I’m living. Every experience is infinitely valuable to me and I want to collect and keep them all.

Saturday Night

The artist was Robben Ford and I have to say I wasn’t blown away at first. However, I’ve been listening to his music today and it is growing on me. I particularly like the piece “On That Morning” and am playing it over and over.

An infrequent entry

It has become a very infrequent occurrence when I actually sit down to write something of substance here in my online journal.  I believe this to be unfortunate as thus far I’ve lived a rather exciting life yet often cannot find the time/motivation to set these experiences down so that they may be preserved. Instead,…… Continue reading An infrequent entry