It has been five days since my son was born. As one could imagine I’ve been quite busy since then and haven’t had a spare five minutes for a blog post. The time is now 9:42 pm on Wednesday and I thought it might be a good idea to get my thoughts down in a…… Continue reading Why I hate hospitals
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Things Unseen
In all my travels, studies and experiences I’ve come to understand that we really have no idea what is going on in terms of our existence and this reality. Humanity makes up religions to try and explain that which we cannot explain or understand. I also understand that my five senses are limited and there…… Continue reading Things Unseen
Corel Painter X3 – Tryout
I’ve always wanted to be a Renaissance man. While assessing my skills towards this goal I realized that I still suck at art and being able to paint should be a requirement of any homme sophistiqué! I’ve always been a terrible artist and even had my teacher flunk me in handwriting in the 2nd grade.…… Continue reading Corel Painter X3 – Tryout
Discovering Poetry for the First Time, Again
Saw a poem by William Randolph Hearst in today’s San Francisco Chronicle. I enjoyed it very much so thought I’d add it to my journal. I looked it up online and to my delight found it among other poems of a similar theme. Upon reading these other poems I found that they affected me in…… Continue reading Discovering Poetry for the First Time, Again
My life 1998 -1999
I’ve been going through my old computer files recently and came across my old journal that I wrote from ’98 to ’00. This was the time when my study abroad in Spain was ending and I spent two years studying at OSU before leaving for France. After this period my journal writing took a nose…… Continue reading My life 1998 -1999
Living a magical life
As I get older and more set into my routines I find that life loses a little bit of luster. New experiences become less frequent and the activities I’m used to become a little less enjoyable. Then I look at my son and see how he is excited about pretty much everything. Everything is…… Continue reading Living a magical life
Memory of Space Lab Yellow
Just heard this tonight; LOVE IT as it takes me back to clubbing days at Space Lab Yellow in Tokyo. I looked up Space Lab to see if it was still around and to my COMPLETE SHOCK the Guardian says, “Ageing party-goers still remember it as Space Lab Yellow
Friday March 4th
Another very long dry spell with no written post. It seems that writing is something one must physically make themselves sit down and do. It just does not come spontaneously. Or perhaps it is because I’ve begun to self-sensor myself now that my entire social circle is now on the internet and thanks to Facebook…… Continue reading Friday March 4th