Magical moment – Sitting in the La-Z-Boy rocking the baby to sleep listening to the breeze gently blow through the trees and a fire in the TV on a warm September night.
Category: Journal
My life journal.
On Trying New Things
Society says it is honorable and good to learn new things. Why then does attempting new things often cause a feeling of embarrassment resulting in a quick give up or not trying at all? I like to learn new things and am recently attempting digital painting. Yet, there is this unseen force, a…… Continue reading On Trying New Things
East Coker – T.S. Eliot
I’m fascinated by this poem. I heard a few snippets of it from this music and had to know where it came from: Grasscut – Blink in the Night “East Coker,” from “The Four Quartets. I. In my beginning is my end. In succession Houses rise and fall, crumble, are extended, Are removed, destroyed,…… Continue reading East Coker – T.S. Eliot
L’automne est arrivé
I have always loved the autumn season. The temperature cools, the leaves change color and a new chapter opens. The year begins with a rebirth of sorts, recognized by a litany of New Year’s pledges and the excitement of having passed midway through the ice and chill of winter. Before long the grass starts to…… Continue reading L’automne est arrivé
Tonight’s sunset
Heard one of the neighbors playing the clarinet tonight. It sounded like a beginner, probably a high school student but it went very well with the sunset and cool breeze. It reminded me of our neighbor in the San Francisco apartment who would play a Hawaiian guitar in the evenings that was very pleasant and…… Continue reading Tonight’s sunset
LTMD #3 – The only show I ask you watch
Another letter to my descendants: In my time, 8.30.2014 an updated version of one of the best television programs ever has been updated and re-released. The show “Cosmos” is the most concise and up to date scientific attempt to enlighten humanity and convince them of the truth about where we came from and what we…… Continue reading LTMD #3 – The only show I ask you watch
Favorite Quotes
I decided to keep a record of my favorite quotes in this blog. Here are my favorites so far and I’ll post new ones as I come across them. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo DaVinci”The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page” – St. Augustine”…… Continue reading Favorite Quotes
Ice Bucket Challenge
If you had told me a week ago that a very good part of my social network was going to pour ice water over their heads and pay $100 I wouldn’t have believed it. It just goes to show that the future is full of twists and turns and although we can take good…… Continue reading Ice Bucket Challenge