
When the baby is crying and being very hard to console I have a failsafe method that always works just like magic.  This song is “Do you know the Muffin Man” on YouTube and it must be this version, no other.   My extreme annoyance and that which makes me want to launch the Ipad…… Continue reading Annonyances


I started keeping a dream journal a few years back.  The idea occurred to me after a particularly potent dream and upon awaking realized I’d had that same dream before.  I wonder how many people can remember their dreams.  For me, I must concentrate on that last flicker and can then work my way back…… Continue reading Dreams

Magical clock

This is the magical clock we got at a garage sale for 5 dollars. We were told it works but quickly came to discover the hands sometimes move and sometimes they do not. I can only deduce that this particular clock must tell the time of the magical, unseen land of Narnia, or all encompassing…… Continue reading Magical clock

Categorized as Journal

WordPress – Recording my life and finding a vibrant community

A few posts ago I wrote that I had “rediscovered” WordPress.  To be more exact, I discovered a very vibrant community where people actually express real feelings!I’d like to expound a little more on that previous post because I’m still very enthusiastic about this “discovery.”  On the web, and just like in real life, we…… Continue reading WordPress – Recording my life and finding a vibrant community

A Moment in Time

The quote below sums up my new world, the new existence and reality I find myself in; a world where life itself and everything around me is magical.  For the first time in my life I actually listen to the birds call, I admire the beauty of flowers, and I try and catch each and…… Continue reading A Moment in Time

I am not alone

ATB – You’re Not Alone (Official Video HD): Just rediscovered the WordPress blogging community! I’ve kept my own blog for eons but it is my own install and I never really sought out a wider WordPress community. The other night I felt like reading others personal blogs and found a way to browse an…… Continue reading I am not alone

Friday 9.19.2014

I am glad it is Friday. This week we had our very first rain after going through most of the year without even a dark cloud.  I was sitting outside on an unusually warm Wednesday night when the wind picked up, clouds rolled in and it reminded me of what happens back in Columbus, Ohio…… Continue reading Friday 9.19.2014