A rainy day

Here in the Bay Area we haven’t seen much rain for many years. So when we do get rain it is a special occasion. Sticking my head out the door I feel the cold and expect to actually smell the rain as you can in Ohio. Inhaling I don’t smell anything, not even wet eucalyptus…… Continue reading A rainy day

Categorized as Journal

Capetian Dynasty

I’ve always been completely fascinated by the Capetian dynasty.  A family whose rule started in 987, dominated for five centuries and still has royals to this day in Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg and on the throne with King Felipe VI of Spain.  In the USA, when royalty is mentioned it is something that belongs…… Continue reading Capetian Dynasty

Quitting Facebook

Since the new year is an excellent time to adjust one’s habits and routines I’ve decided to experiment with a number of changes.  One of the biggest is to stop using Facebook.  So far I’ve gone three days and the feeling is one of tranquility and peacefulness.  It is not that I have anything against…… Continue reading Quitting Facebook

Sunday rain

We’re finally getting rain! I’ve always enjoyed a good storm and since they are rare here in California I enjoy then even more. Today is a perfect day to get things done indoors. We’ve put up most of the decorations but there is still more to do and today’s the day for it. I’ll be…… Continue reading Sunday rain

Why I hate iPhoto

We have a crisis folks.  Ok, we’ll not a total crisis just yet as I take precautions.   Yesterday we had a sudden power outage and of course the wife had about 17 applications open on her Mac, one of them being iPhoto.  The thing I HATE about iPhoto is it stores all the pictures…… Continue reading Why I hate iPhoto