It has recently been impossible to sit down and post something. With two kids all available free time is taken up and personal time has completely evaporated. And so, I’ve recently been waking up around 4:00am, to have some time of my own and to straighten up the house before everyone awakes. After that is…… Continue reading Journal Entry 4.25.2015
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Chilling Memento
This junk item in World of Warcraft, “Chilling Memento” gave me pause when I read its description. “A haunting reminder of a life long since expired.” It reminded me of my fascination with long forgotten graveyards on which I even devoted a post; Graveyards and The Meaning of Life. We all live, have experiences,…… Continue reading Chilling Memento
Tuesday morning
Tuesday morning. It has been many weeks since I’ve seen a robin at the birdbath. The berries are completely gone from the trees lining our yard which most likely explains their departure.We’ve made a garden cover and added miracle grow soil to the compost in the hopes of actually growing our own vegetables this year.…… Continue reading Tuesday morning
Visiting an old friend
Needed to take some time to reflect on a few things. Even though I don’t believe in Christianity anymore there doesn’t seem to be a secular alternative for prayer. This is especially true when friends have died or things going very wrong for people close to you.
Remembering Bobby J. – February 26th 2015
Tonight it is with a very heavy heart that I write this post. I just received word from my hometown that my old neighbor, the young boy I knew while I was growing up, passed away much too soon. It is moments like these that violently jolt us awake from the slumber brought on by…… Continue reading Remembering Bobby J. – February 26th 2015
The Purpose of Life – Experiences
I’ve come to believe that the purpose of life is to have experiences. Why do people read fiction and non-fiction, watch movies, go on trips, eat at restaurants? Everything we do, of our own volition, is in the pursuit of an experience. Even in things we do not want to do we have experiences. Things…… Continue reading The Purpose of Life – Experiences
Oyster Point – Tuesday, Feb. 24th
The sun in its first few moments, when it peeks over the distant mountains, is gentle and delicate. One can look directly at it and welcome the day. A few moments later its light is blinding; the day has announced itself and grows more formidable by the second. Its light will stream through windows to…… Continue reading Oyster Point – Tuesday, Feb. 24th