Moon through my telescope

I saw the moon for the first time through a telescope tonight. I took this picture with an iPhone 6 by putting the camera up to the telescope lens. It seems the older I become the more I realize just how fantastic and absolutely beautiful the world is around me.

La Misión de San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo

Took a trip to Monterey/Carmel over the weekend.  The aquarium was fantastic as usual but I was especially happy to visit la Misión de San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo.  It is the resting place of Junipero Serra. For me, the visits to the missions here in California elicit a different type of emotion that they would…… Continue reading La Misión de San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo

New favorite song

Just discovered this song.  For me it elicits very strong images/emotions of my time in high school.  Aren’t we all dreamers?  I think when the dreams start to die we’ve become too old.  Adulthood has a way of killing youthful dreams and enthusiasm doesn’t it. We get so wrapped up in what others…… Continue reading New favorite song

Visit to Twitter Today

Visit to Twitter HQ

In the lobby of Twitter HQ they have a computer set up where you can take your picture (with props) and tweet your visit.  It will then show up on My visit is here: Visit to Twitter HQ

The Inner Voice

It is now 9:33 pm and I am forcing myself to write this post.  With two kids all personal time is effectively gone and things I enjoy doing are rarely done.  It is incredible how we take the abundance of free time for granted when we do not have any responsibilities without realizing that it…… Continue reading The Inner Voice