Remembering the past

It is late Sunday evening and has been another busy day playing with my boys.  My youngest, who is almost one year old, will only take his naps in the carrier and the wearer must be moving or he’ll wake up.  His naps can last an hour or more which means a lot of walking…… Continue reading Remembering the past


It is 6:17 AM – my normal time to wake up.  As usual I still remember my dream but don’t feel it was one worth putting in my dream journal (private in case you were wondering) as I really don’t care to keep it in memory. A week or so ago an older lady said…… Continue reading Parenthood

Categorized as Journal

Saturday Morning – August 8th – 2015

City of Angels sunset This scene from the movie City of Angels has always remained in my mind and I thought I should write a quick post about it.  Although I no longer believe in the Catholic religion I was brought up in, I’m still a very spiritual person.  Actually, I do not like to use…… Continue reading Saturday Morning – August 8th – 2015