I just came back from the ride to the Portola Expedition site and wanted to write a little about this morning. I woke up at 4:00 AM and saw the conditions were very good for a sunrise. The sun wouldn’t rise until 6:55 AM so I played a little Warcraft, did the dishes and then…… Continue reading Sunrise over the Bay
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry 11.20.2015
I have a few minutes to spare so thought I’d get a quick post in on random thoughts. I recently took a break from Facetime to do some Internet learning and have to say I’m enjoying myself. It has been a while since I’ve done a bit of learning and this week I set up…… Continue reading Journal Entry 11.20.2015
Monday, November 9 Journal Entry
We had our first real rainstorm today for what promises to be a wet winter which we desperately need. It hasn’t rained much since last winter and so unlike Ohio where rain is a normal occurrence it is a pretty big event here in the Bay Area. There was even thunder and lightning which my…… Continue reading Monday, November 9 Journal Entry
Taurid Meteor Shower
It is 2:32 AM and I’ve just come in from watching the Taurid Meteor shower. It is a chilly 51 degrees so I didn’t stay out too long but I did see one meteor before bed and two just a few minutes ago. It is also easy to wake up if you watch scary YouTube…… Continue reading Taurid Meteor Shower
Technology – Finding a balance
It is 8:53 pm; with two kids it creates another dimension in space-time which all parents must pass through that adds another four hours. In other words my clock reads 8:54 but for me it is more like 12:53 AM as I’m completely exhausted and well past my bedtime. But I was determined to have…… Continue reading Technology – Finding a balance
Halloween 2015
It is 4:55 AM – I get an extra hour of “my time” this morning thanks to the daylight savings change on Saturday. This is no guarantee that my youngest will actually sleep an extra hour as I don’t believe he yet honors daylight savings. I always like to get a journal entry in at…… Continue reading Halloween 2015
LTMD – The Future – why I keep this blog
It has been a while since I did an LTMD; I bet you think I forgot about you! I write this post to my descendants. I fully expect that you will be able to pull up a hologram of me and I’ll read this post to you. Recently I did you a favor and geo-tagged…… Continue reading LTMD – The Future – why I keep this blog
Morning – October 26th
It is 5:58 AM and I’m just beginning my special quiet time but instead of meandering through Draenor I thought a journal entry was long overdue. I continue to have strange dreams that I don’t care to put in the dream journal; they are just plain odd, cause a little bit of stress and are…… Continue reading Morning – October 26th