This Morning

It is 6:15 AM and I’ve just returned from the gym.  I received a surprise this morning when I looked down at my shoes and saw they didn’t match. When I get up at 4 I rarely turn on the light and am usually pretty good about dressing myself in the dark but seems I…… Continue reading This Morning

Categorized as Journal

Journal Entry – 3.30.2016

It is 5:39 AM and I didn’t make it to the gym this morning due to my oldest being unwell.  He ran a fever last night and I had my first experience on how fevers cause a terrible nights sleep.  It was one full of talking in his sleep, night terrors and tossing and turning.…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 3.30.2016

Categorized as Journal

Balls, Banquets and soirées throughout history

Reading my history books the thought occurred to me that I would very much like to time travel and visit a number of festive occasions throughout history. The first time this thought occurred I was watching The Tudors and thought how amusing attending a court ball or feast in the reign of King Henry VIII…… Continue reading Balls, Banquets and soirées throughout history