I only remember visiting my Grandparent’s house four or five times when I was a kid. It was located in a dying coal mining town known as Bellaire next to the Ohio river, right next to West Virginia. Pulling up to the house the first thing I always noticed was how the sidewalk in front…… Continue reading Memories of my Grandparent’s house
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry – 4.1.2016
This morning started off in a most unusual way. I awoke at 4:00 AM as usual but realized I had an appointment at 11:30 AM that must have gotten buried under a bunch of other items. I’m currently covering two other territories at work and didn’t see this one. Therefore, I had to forgo the…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 4.1.2016
This Morning
It is 6:15 AM and I’ve just returned from the gym. I received a surprise this morning when I looked down at my shoes and saw they didn’t match. When I get up at 4 I rarely turn on the light and am usually pretty good about dressing myself in the dark but seems I…… Continue reading This Morning
Journal Entry – 3.30.2016
It is 5:39 AM and I didn’t make it to the gym this morning due to my oldest being unwell. He ran a fever last night and I had my first experience on how fevers cause a terrible nights sleep. It was one full of talking in his sleep, night terrors and tossing and turning.…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 3.30.2016
Balls, Banquets and soirées throughout history
Reading my history books the thought occurred to me that I would very much like to time travel and visit a number of festive occasions throughout history. The first time this thought occurred I was watching The Tudors and thought how amusing attending a court ball or feast in the reign of King Henry VIII…… Continue reading Balls, Banquets and soirées throughout history
Journal Entry – 3.29.2016
It is 5:57 AM and my morning routine has gone well! I’ve been to the gym, put away/done the dishes, made the coffee, put on my fireplace DVD and even have about an hour to myself before everyone wakes up. Looking at the number of hits on my posts I see the numbers increasing well…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 3.29.2016
Journal Entry – Saturday 3.19.2016
It is 5:03 AM. With the end of daylight savings time and recent cloud the mornings are dark and I feel I should try to continue sleeping. I’ve noticed that if I try to make myself sleep more than my dreams get progressively more bizarre; I guess this is one more motivator to just get…… Continue reading Journal Entry – Saturday 3.19.2016
Journal Entry – 3.17.2016
It is 6:36 AM; I was too tired to get up at 4 for the gym this morning and have woken up in a pretty bad mood. The mood is attributed to a few things I’ll list here in no particular order. The upstairs toilet won’t stop running; I fixed it a few years ago…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 3.17.2016