It is 6:28 AM and the household will awake soon; my morning “me time” has been cut short with the end of summer and the start of school. *side note: “Walking in The Air” has just come on my internet radio as if to add a punctuation mark to the theme and to aid me…… Continue reading Journal Entry – The end of summer
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry – 8.28.2016
It is 3:31 AM. I awoke at 2:30 AM and at first glance thought it was 4:30 then was surprised at the very early hour and how awake I actually was/am. So, I got up and tried to sleep again on the couch through the witching hour but it did not work and so here…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 8.28.2016
Journal Entry – Anxiety
I wanted to get a quick blurb down on part of my state of mind at this age. Anxiety is something that is always present and has to do with my line of work. In sales you must always be selling and in account management there is always the threat from competitors and losing business.…… Continue reading Journal Entry – Anxiety
Journal Entry – 8.17.2016
It is 5:04 AM. I woke up for the gym today but decided I’d prefer to write in the journal and do other computer things with my time this morning. We went to karate yesterday so some parts of my body are a little sore but I’m feeling good. This past weekend went very quickly.…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 8.17.2016
Journal Entry 8.13.2016
It has been a busy week: it started last Saturday with karate class then a Pokemón Go hunt at the Ferry Building and a picnic at Dolores Park. In attendance were Kanako and Sakura, Anan and her husband, and Sakura’s English teacher (forgot his name). Then Kent and Aki joined us at Dolores Park. The…… Continue reading Journal Entry 8.13.2016
Journal Entry 8.7.2016
This Sunday ends our first week at the new karate dojo. I’m a little sore in some spots but feeling very good on the overall. My jaw hurts as Senpai kicked it by accident when we were sparring. It was only my second time to spar and he is a blackbelt so of course he…… Continue reading Journal Entry 8.7.2016
About Me page supplement
This post acts as a supplement to my “About Me” page which I prefer to keep brief. Here I’ll explain a little further why I keep an open journal. It all begins with one moment at 21 years of age, when I had a profound realization. It is this realization which I have forgotten and…… Continue reading About Me page supplement
8.5.2016 – First Karate Class
It is 4:42 AM and I’m forgoing the gym today in favor of writing, internet surfing and letting my body recover a bit. I had my first adult karate class yesterday and my right leg is a bit sore. I showed up to a locked door as it seems Thursdays can be extremely light and…… Continue reading 8.5.2016 – First Karate Class