Journal Entry – 9.21.2016

It is 5:57 AM.  I still have not gone to the gym and I slept later than usual due to training all day yesterday.  Today is the second day of Challenger training.  I have to say that yesterday went fairly quick and I hope today does as well. I have to hand it to Grainger…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 9.21.2016

Categorized as Journal

Journal Entry – 9.18.2016

It is 6:29 AM.  I’ve had my wheatgrass juice, put the dishes away, made the coffee, updated the computer, uploaded photos and meditated.  It is now time for a journal entry for which I should have time before everyone wakes up. The new refrigerator comes today which we’re pretty excited about.  It will be nice…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 9.18.2016

Journal Entry – 9.1.2016 – Current Society, Ancient Rome and Business Speak

It is 5:56 AM.  I haven’t been to the gym in the while as my body is just tired:  it is tired from karate, from endless appointments, from visitors and from stress at work and tired from two young children of mine.  Instead of waking up at 4:00 AM as I usually do I just…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 9.1.2016 – Current Society, Ancient Rome and Business Speak