Journal Entry 12.13.2016 – Memories of Christmas lights

It is 5:55 AM.  I woke up around 4:30, drank a shot of wheatgrass, put away dry dishes and washed the dirty ones, made coffee, meditated, added to a post about my Grandpa and wished my childhood friend Ryan a happy 40th birthday.  Still left to do are:  write this post, study Japanese, put Sega…… Continue reading Journal Entry 12.13.2016 – Memories of Christmas lights

Journal Entry – 11.19.2014

It is 4:57 AM.  I woke up at 3:30 AM, got a number of things done and just now am getting around to writing. It was a busy and difficult week.  On Monday I had a quarterly business review at my top customer.  It is a world famous and premier technology company and so the…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 11.19.2014

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