Journal Entry – 2.12.2017

It is 8:51 AM on Saturday February 12th, 2017.  I’m sitting on the couch, the boys are playing the Goat Simulator and the wife is upstairs doing wife things. I haven’t written as much as I liked to recently and have been out of my routine.  My mind has been all over the place and…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 2.12.2017

Categorized as Journal

Journal Entry 2.4.2017

It is 3:37 AM.  My son and I did the fighting class in addition to regular karate class yesterday.  The different between us is that when he exercises a lot he will sleep soundly and deeply until morning;  I however will not and wake up after only five or so hours of sleep and so…… Continue reading Journal Entry 2.4.2017

The Year 2016 in Review

It is now 4:07 AM on January 14th, 2017.  The holidays of Christmas and New Year are distant memories that seem to have happened long, long ago. The time off was not relaxing due to two little boys.  Yes, we had fun and yes we made great memories but with two little ones there is…… Continue reading The Year 2016 in Review