It is 6:24 PM on August 22nd, 2017. This is the first time I think I’ve posted twice in one day. I’m sitting in my shed/clubhouse/office out back. It is just a normal shed that held the usual gardening materials and contained what most sheds do for five years, then I got an idea. I…… Continue reading Journal Entry 8.22.2017 – Evening
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry – 8.22.2017
It is 12:59 PM on Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017. For this post I just plan on free-writing, so it could be a bit of a ramble. I’m very tired of the news and politics, so much so that I just want to shut it all out. It makes me feel as though the entire country…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 8.22.2017
Journal Entry – 8.19.2017
It is Saturday, August 19th at 2:04 PM. Aside from school we are back in routine and went to karate class yesterday and today. I actually thought about writing this blog post while doing the exercise/karate portion of our training: it is absolutely exhausting and I really don’t like karate when I’m completely out of…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 8.19.2017
Mount Fuji – Climbing from the bottom (Sengen Shrine)
My friends and I successfully climbed Mt. Fuji from the bottom (Sengen Shrine) on July 26th, 2017. It was mentioned that we start from the bottom over a few bottles of wine and initially I was against it. However, what won me over was when my friend Brandon told me that this was the historical…… Continue reading Mount Fuji – Climbing from the bottom (Sengen Shrine)
Journal Entry – 8.16.2017
It is 12:58 PM on August 16th, 2017. We’ve been back from Japan for over a week now and the terrible jet-lag has finally subsided. I am not yet back into full routine yet however as I’ve had a lot of work to catch up on and the jet-lag made me very tired when I…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 8.16.2017
Journal Entry – 6.28.17
The time is 6:38 AM on Wednesday, June 28th, 2017. I’ve been a bachelor for nine days. In having my normal routine, schedule and life completely changed I’ve noticed a few things. I’m more tired and sleeping later than I do when the family is here. I find myself falling asleep about 9:30 but do…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 6.28.17
Journal Entry – 6.20.2017
It is 7:03 AM on Tuesday, June 20th, 2017. It is very late for me to be writing a journal entry but today is an unusual day. My family left for Japan yesterday which means I’m a bachelor for a very long time. This is normal when you’re married to a Japanese, they go home…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 6.20.2017
Journal entry – 6.6.2017
It is Tuesday morning on June 6th, 2017. It is a gray and foggy morning and just now I hear the garbage truck slowly making its way down the street. Then I hear the roar of its engine and squeaking of its breaks I am startled for a split second thinking if I have put…… Continue reading Journal entry – 6.6.2017