Journal Entry – 8.19.2017

It is Saturday, August 19th at 2:04 PM.  Aside from school we are back in routine and went to karate class yesterday and today.  I actually thought about writing this blog post while doing the exercise/karate portion of our training:  it is absolutely exhausting and I really don’t like karate when I’m completely out of…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 8.19.2017

Mount Fuji – Climbing from the bottom (Sengen Shrine)

At the Summit of Mount Fuji

My friends and I successfully climbed Mt. Fuji from the bottom (Sengen Shrine) on July 26th, 2017.  It was mentioned that we start from the bottom over a few bottles of wine and initially I was against it.  However, what won me over was when my friend Brandon told me that this was the historical…… Continue reading Mount Fuji – Climbing from the bottom (Sengen Shrine)