It is 1:07 AM on Wednesday October 4th, 2017. Yes, that is not a mistake, it is 1:07 just after midnight. The reason is because after reading my son his bedtime story I fell to sleep right there; and sure enough he ended up moving all around into my space and waking me up. He…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.4.2017
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry – 10.3.2017
It is 7:09 PM on Tuesday October 3rd, 2017. The house painting is done. It has taken a long time for me to finally get things that needed to be done to the house finally finished. The roof is also repaired, the upstairs window caulked and the gardening done. The house now looks really nice…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.3.2017
Journal Entry – 10.1.2017
It is 8:29 PM; there has been a lot on my mind and I thought I’d get one more post in. The world seems to have radically changed since 2016. The main reason is President Trump: we’re on a wild roller coaster ride and I’m almost afraid to look at the news every morning. The…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.1.2017
Journal Entry – Karate and the Japanese Community
It is 4:37 AM on Sunday October 1st, 2017. Today was the ‘special clinic’ put on by Saiko Shihan Yasuhiko Oyama. He is the grandmaster of World Oyama Karate and comes in once or maybe twice a year (I’m not sure) from the HQ in Alabama. All green belts and up can only test when…… Continue reading Journal Entry – Karate and the Japanese Community
Journal Entry – 9.28.2017
It is 8:50 PM on Thursday September 28th. It is dark with all the stars hidden by fog. My son and I just got back from another informational Cub Scouts meeting. I did it as a kid and even still have my uniform and so thought we’d check it out. I remember enjoying some of…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 9.28.2017
Journal Entry – 9.25.2017
It is 7:25 PM on Monday September 25th, 2017. The sun has recently set and there is a deep orange twilight that is slowly fading away. The moon is in a waning crescent as September comes to a close. I’ve written about this before but I never really connected the days and months with celestial…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 9.25.2017
Journal Entry – 9.22.2017
It is 8:27 PM on Friday September 22nd, 2017. I’m out in my shed/office/clubhouse writing this post. The weather is chilly as usual but I’ve got a very warm heat lamp not two feet away to keep me warm. I can actually see the stars and there is a fantastic waning crescent moon just over…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 9.22.2017
Journal Entry – 9.20.2017
It is 6:57 PM on Wednesday September 20th, 2017. Time is flying by and it is hard to believe the holiday season is almost here again. Summer is now a distant memory as we’re back in full swing of school year routine. This week started out with a shock as one of my colleagues was…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 9.20.2017