“A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness.” Albert Einstein I agree very much with this quote, it is just very hard to follow in this capitalistic, technology heavy society. Business, is the business of the USA regardless of how many 4th of July parades are…… Continue reading Einstein Quote – Modest Life
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry – 10.21.2017
It is now 1:13 PM on Saturday, October 21st. I’m back from karate and feeling very good after a much needed workout. As always I feel a little anxious before class due to how hard it can be but it always works out fine. 日本語で久しぶりから日本語で書きます。今日は三盆ずきでこさ後ろ蹴り膝蹴りの練習をしました。フィトは三回した。僕のスタミナはまだまだよくないです。 On the way home I heard Tu Pacs “California Love”…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.21.2017
Journal Entry – 10.21.2017
It is 8:25 AM on Saturday October 21st, 2017. I’m in my clubhouse on a very cool, 50 degree morning. This is the first time in a while I’ve been by myself so I thought writing a post might make good use of the time. The other option would have been to work out but…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.21.2017
Journal Entry – 10.17.2017
It is 8:10 PM on Tuesday October 17th, 2017. As Halloween approaches we’ve been watching more Halloween themed kids movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Tonight we watched something from Goosebumps dealing with ghosts and there were scenes of teenagers dancing around. It got me thinking about how much emphasis society puts on being able…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.17.2017
Journal Entry – 10.12.2017
It is 6:11 PM on Thursday October 12th, 2017. Everyone is inside watching the Adams Family and so I thought I’d sneak out for a post in my clubhouse. The first thing on my mind is the sun which is a deep orange color due to all the smoke from the fires up north. It…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.12.2017
Journal Entry – 10.12.2017
It is 6:47 AM on Thursday October 12, 2017. The air outside is terrible from the fires up in the North Bay. Checking the air quality it is “unhealthful” and the entire Bay Area under the ‘red’ marker for quality. It smells like a campfire and I find myself holding my breath when I step…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.12.2017
Journal Entry – 10.8.2017
It is 4:45 AM on Sunday October 8th, 2017. It looks like I’m back to my routine of waking up very early again. I think the primary reason for this is that I got my morning workout in yesterday and was asleep by 8:00 PM. I am the only one I know that goes to…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.8.2017
Journal Entry – 10.5.2017
It is 7:36 PM on Thursday October 5th, 2017. I was reading Reddit today and came across an article about “death from overwork” in Japan. The comments were filled with people who also put in a lot of hours with some of them finally finding a 9-5 job. It made me realize how lucky I…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.5.2017