The day before Thanksgiving

It is 3:43 PM on Wednesday, November 22nd 2017. Ever since I got out of bed around 6:30 AM things have been going wrong.  The first problem came when I tried to log into my work computer but the password wasn’t accepted and I ended up getting locked out. This nonsense actually started the day…… Continue reading The day before Thanksgiving

November 15th, 2017

It is 5:48 AM on November 15th, 2017.  It is a cool, dark Pacifica morning with a heavy breeze rustling through the eucalyptus trees.  In 45 minutes it will be dawn and the day will slowly begin.  People are now waking up getting ready for the day and perhaps everyone is in a slightly better…… Continue reading November 15th, 2017

Journal Entry – 11.5.2017

It is a clear, crisp and cool November morning.  The Hunter’s Moon was big and bright when I awoke at 3:00 AM thanks to the end of daylight savings time.  Being Sunday and with the adjustment of the clock I had more time than usual this morning to get things done. I did my usual…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 11.5.2017

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