The Saga of the Garage Door

After about a month, our garage door now properly lifts by the garage door opener.  Also, I now know much more about how garage doors function as well as how to put together a garage door opener. I guess I should start about 5 months ago when I came home, pressed the button to open…… Continue reading The Saga of the Garage Door

Categorized as Journal

Journal Entry 1.9.2017

The year 2018 has gotten off to a very peculiar start. At the moment I’m sitting in my shed/office/clubhouse where it is toast warm with my space heater on high while outside it is a cold, damp, foggy mess.  It rained all yesterday and last night but now only the gray weather remains with no…… Continue reading Journal Entry 1.9.2017

Categorized as Journal

Journal Entry – 1.3.2018

It is 11:06 AM on January 3rd, 2018; we’re three days into the new year. Today was the first day I had to sit down and really get some work done.  There still isn’t very much going on as many are still on vacation but I had some reports to complete and a few loose…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 1.3.2018

Categorized as Journal

New Year’s Day 2018

It is 8:52 AM on January 1st, 2018.  I would have preferred to write this in the early morning as usual but I was absolutely exhausted yesterday, went to bed early and slept until 6:15 AM which is very late for me.  I woke up and began all the usual chores and only now have…… Continue reading New Year’s Day 2018