After about a month, our garage door now properly lifts by the garage door opener. Also, I now know much more about how garage doors function as well as how to put together a garage door opener. I guess I should start about 5 months ago when I came home, pressed the button to open…… Continue reading The Saga of the Garage Door
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry 1.9.2017
The year 2018 has gotten off to a very peculiar start. At the moment I’m sitting in my shed/office/clubhouse where it is toast warm with my space heater on high while outside it is a cold, damp, foggy mess. It rained all yesterday and last night but now only the gray weather remains with no…… Continue reading Journal Entry 1.9.2017
Journal Entry – 1.3.2018
It is 11:06 AM on January 3rd, 2018; we’re three days into the new year. Today was the first day I had to sit down and really get some work done. There still isn’t very much going on as many are still on vacation but I had some reports to complete and a few loose…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 1.3.2018
New Year’s Day 2018
It is 8:52 AM on January 1st, 2018. I would have preferred to write this in the early morning as usual but I was absolutely exhausted yesterday, went to bed early and slept until 6:15 AM which is very late for me. I woke up and began all the usual chores and only now have…… Continue reading New Year’s Day 2018
Journal Entry – December 30th, 2017
It is 3:46 AM on December 30th, 2017. I woke up at 1:30 AM but couldn’t go back to sleep. I really didn’t want to get up so early and tried to go back to sleep but it wasn’t happening. I then picked up my cell phone, opened the usual apps and got to searching…… Continue reading Journal Entry – December 30th, 2017
Morning of December 26th, 2017
The time is 6:31 AM on December 26th, 2017; the day after Christmas. I always love the holiday season starting with Halloween back in October. It is difficult to believe that the main event, Christmas, is now already over and 2017 just about one for the history books. Today is one where you still feel…… Continue reading Morning of December 26th, 2017
Elementary School Programming in 1985!
Watching Stranger Things on Netflix makes me think about my childhood. Perhaps this is one of the reasons it is so popular: it is set in the ’80s and so for the 37-45 crowd we’re reminded of our own childhoods with the bikes, riding out in the woods, and those fantastic walkie-talkies to keep in…… Continue reading Elementary School Programming in 1985!
Journal Entry – 12.3.2017
It is 4:17 AM on Sunday December 3rd, 2017. Yesterday was a very busy day. After writing my previous post I was getting ready for karate class when I received a call from my neighbor Steve! It turns out my fears were unfounded about the fence because I got to talk to him (as opposed…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 12.3.2017