Privacy and the amount of information companies such as Facebook and Google have on their users has been brought to the forefront with the Cambridge Analytica debacle. This has been a catalyst for me to reevaluate how I use the internet and where I want to go from here. Frankly, I’m bored with the internet. …… Continue reading The Internet in 2018 – My Thoughts
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry – Easter Sunday 2018
It is Easter Sunday 2018 @ 5:23 PM. Yesterday I did the kids and adults karate classes and made it through just fine. Hyphen (sp?) gave me a nice back kick to the gut and although it didn’t knock the wind out of me like Yoshi’s a few weeks ago it did knock me back. …… Continue reading Journal Entry – Easter Sunday 2018
Journal Entry – 3.31.2018
It is 6:25 AM on Saturday, March 31st. We’ve gotten some very nice weather on the coast these past two days with temperatures reaching into the 70s. This used to be rare but seems to happen with more frequency these past couple of years. The climate is changing and it is too bad that many…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 3.31.2018
Journal Entry – 3.29.2018
It is 8:27 AM on Thursday March 29th. We’re getting unusually warm weather which makes it feel like spring. Yes, it is spring but the weather doesn’t change too much year around here in the Bay like it does in Ohio. You don’t get that feeling of euphoria on a really nice day like you…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 3.29.2018
Journal Entry – 3.22.2018
It is Thursday March 22nd, 2018. It has been a while since my last journal entry due to a couple of things. The first was I ended up winning Best in Class again for 2017 which meant a trip to Jamaica. I was glad to win of course but to be honest I wasn’t as…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 3.22.2018
Journal Entry – 2.17.2018
It is 3:15 AM on Saturday morning February 17th, 2018. I haven’t slept well all night due to the salt from the pizza and large amount of sugar in the Mountain Dew I had for dinner. Looks like it might be best to cut back on Friday pizza night. After tossing and turning for a…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 2.17.2018
Journal Entry – 2.12.2018
It is 4:11 AM on Monday February 12th. I haven’t written in a while due to Zelda Breath of the Wild which I started playing about a month ago. I haven’t played a console game in two decades but had always wanted to play Zelda as a kid. I am surprised how good it is…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 2.12.2018
Journal Entry – 1.20.2017
It is 3:48 AM on Saturday, January 20th 2018. I woke up around 3:00 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep so why not get some things accomplished in the quiet, still morning? I’ve had a nasty cold for the past two weeks and so haven’t gone to karate class. Our Shihan never asks where…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 1.20.2017