Journal Entry – 5.3.2018

It is 1:28 AM on Thursday May 3rd, 2018.  I’m not posting this one right away since I’m writing about something which this something might actually read.  What does that mean? I’m currently exploring a new job opportunity and one of the requirements is a background check.  My background is not cause for anxiety but…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 5.3.2018

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Journal Entry – 4.28.18

It is 4:30 AM.  I’ve been exercising and going to karate a lot recently and when I have a good workout I will always wake up early, it never fails.  I really did want to sleep more but then thoughts enter my head as vivid dreams fade away and the day starts. The winds of…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 4.28.18


It is 8:27 PM on Thursday April 26th, 2018.  We had pizza night and I always regret pizza night right after I’ve eaten too many pieces. I named this post ‘craziness’ due to a couple of thoughts running through my mind.  Artificial Intelligence Recently I’ve started doing the jumble in the mornings in The Columbus…… Continue reading Craziness

Japantown – Cherry Blossom Festival – Part 1

It is 8:02 AM on Saturday, April 14th.  Today is the start of the Cherry Blossom Festival in Japantown.  I always enjoy this and tell myself every year that I’d like to get a little more involved and spend more time there.  My favorites are the people dressed up in cosplay, the dancing, the Cherry…… Continue reading Japantown – Cherry Blossom Festival – Part 1