It is the Friday before the Fighter’s Cup which is on Sunday. At rest I’ve mentally prepared myself but during last Saturday’s fights I lost confidence very quickly. The issue is stamina of which I have very little and it depletes quickly when fighting. It is at that point I feel like I’m going to…… Continue reading San Francisco Fighter’s Cup 2018
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry – 5.3.2018
It is 1:28 AM on Thursday May 3rd, 2018. I’m not posting this one right away since I’m writing about something which this something might actually read. What does that mean? I’m currently exploring a new job opportunity and one of the requirements is a background check. My background is not cause for anxiety but…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 5.3.2018
Journal Entry – 4.28.18
It is 4:30 AM. I’ve been exercising and going to karate a lot recently and when I have a good workout I will always wake up early, it never fails. I really did want to sleep more but then thoughts enter my head as vivid dreams fade away and the day starts. The winds of…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 4.28.18
It is 8:27 PM on Thursday April 26th, 2018. We had pizza night and I always regret pizza night right after I’ve eaten too many pieces. I named this post ‘craziness’ due to a couple of thoughts running through my mind. Artificial Intelligence Recently I’ve started doing the jumble in the mornings in The Columbus…… Continue reading Craziness
Journal Entry – 4.24.2018
It is midday on Tuesday, April 24th. I had an issue with my new laptop in that it was running very slowly. I learned that it was due to a lot of updates that were being installed and so I kept that window open so it could complete. After one Windows 10 update the Windows…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 4.24.2018
Journal Entry – 4.23.2018
It is 8:25 PM on Monday April 23rd, 2018. This is my inaugural post on my new Dell Inspiron 3000 notebook. I had been accumulating prepaid gift cards and absolutely hate the “maintenance fees” on those so wanted to use them as quickly as possible. The problem is they can be impossible to use…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 4.23.2018
Japantown – Cherry Blossom Festival – Part 1
It is 8:02 AM on Saturday, April 14th. Today is the start of the Cherry Blossom Festival in Japantown. I always enjoy this and tell myself every year that I’d like to get a little more involved and spend more time there. My favorites are the people dressed up in cosplay, the dancing, the Cherry…… Continue reading Japantown – Cherry Blossom Festival – Part 1
State of the Internet – Second Post
I’m excited about the internet again, but this time in limiting its invasive aspects instead of adding new. As I mentioned in my last post, I dug out my old Motorola RAZR phone and considered using it to stop the information collected about me. Unfortunately, it looks like it is charging but won’t turn on. …… Continue reading State of the Internet – Second Post