Live a magical, inspired life. At 41 years old my life can be busy. I have a family with two young boys, a job and my past time is karate. What takes the most time and energy however are the boys. There are schedules to be kept, meals, bath times, activities, play, swim lessons, karate…… Continue reading Two insights about life
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry – 6.16.2018
School has ended and summer has officially arrived. Now is the time my whole world changes as we switch to the summer schedule. As for me, I’ve completed most of the new employee items off the checklist which involved basically getting everything set up, choosing healthcare and so on. The last item on the agenda…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 6.16.2018
Journal Entry – 6.6.2018
Wednesday Morning It is 5:59 AM on Wednesday June 6th. I’ve made it through two days of training and have two more to go. Yesterday we arrived 7:30 AM and the first session was with my bosses boss who gave us a nice overview of of the organization and how our department came into being.…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 6.6.2018
Journal Entry – 6.4.2018
I didn’t sleep well last night; I never sleep well in hotels. I tried to sleep at 10:00 local time but tossed and turned for two hours. So I got up around midnight and messed around on the internet until 1. After that I tried to force myself to sleep but it was very light…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 6.4.2018
Journal Entry – 6.3.2018
It is 1:52 PM on Sunday, June 3rd and I’m at SFO. I always leave too early for my flights as I have a fear of being late. There can be traffic, security lines and other types of delays and my anxiety gets the best of me. So here I am, two hours early for…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 6.3.2018
6.1.2018 – Last day at company
The time is 8:49 PM on Friday, June 1st 2018. It was my last day of work at the company I’ve been with for almost seven years. It is surprising how quickly the last few days go compared to the beginning of the possible change. There are interviews upon interviews, drug tests, background checks and…… Continue reading 6.1.2018 – Last day at company
Journal Entry – 5.31.2018
It is 8:23 PM on Thursday, May 31st. The sun is setting on the ocean horizon just out of my view behind the trees. It is this time of year that my kids tell me it is not yet bedtime as the sun is still visible. Smart little guys. Another sunset, another month comes to…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 5.31.2018
Journal Entry – 5.26.2018
It is 2:37 on Saturday May 26th, 2018. Today is my 41st birthday. I woke up around 5:30 AM and did my morning routine: put away the dishes and clean any that hadn’t been done, make the coffee and drink my vegetable juice. Once everyone was awake I got started on cleaning the four fish…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 5.26.2018