It is 8:36 AM on Sunday July 22nd, 2018. Since my family is in Japan I no longer have to get up immediately upon awakening. During our normal routine I like to have my own time and that means I have to get up early to enjoy the peace of the early morning before the…… Continue reading Journal Entry 7.22.2018
Category: Journal
My life journal.
7.21.2018 – Journal Entry
it is 5:04 on Saturday July 21st, 2018. I have changed. This is the first summer where I have had absolutely no motivation nor desire to go out and do things while my family is in Japan. I do have a new job and that keeps me very busy during the weekdays. At night and…… Continue reading 7.21.2018 – Journal Entry
Journal Entry – 7.14.2018
It is 6:55 PM on Saturday, July 14th. We’re in the fog again and it is quiet outside with only a rare bird call. I find myself writing in my journal much more than before but it is not simply due to increased free time but rather I do not really have much to do.…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 7.14.2018
Journal Entry – 7.13.2018
It is 7:58 PM on Friday, July 13th. The fog has moved in and the birds are screeching among the trees. It is an ominous evening and perfectly suited for Friday the 13th. This has been one of the busier weeks I’ve had in a while as far as work is concerned. With the new…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 7.13.2018
Journal Entry – 7.12.2018
It is 8:52 on Thursday, July 12th 2018. I am still lethargic and tried. I think I must be going through caffeine withdraw because I haven’t felt like this for an extended period of time before. I have absolutely no energy. I think it is caffeine withdraw because I always have coffee every morning since…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 7.12.2018
Journal Entry – 7.11.2018
It is 6:30 PM on Wednesday, July 11th. For the past couple days I really haven’t been feeling like myself. With all the changes recently (and beer in Asheville) my mind was in a fog. It is only after a brief workout today and getting back into the routine of work that I feel a…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 7.11.2018
Thoughts on Ethnicity
These days, especially under the Trump administration there has been a lot of division. This has been seen with Trump refusing to denounce the white nationalists and forcing the NFL players to stand. The NFL players are protesting what they see as police brutality, but it goes deeper than that. Here are my thoughts. The…… Continue reading Thoughts on Ethnicity
Journal Entry – 7.9.2018
It is 8:49 PM on Monday, July 9th. Today was the first day where I really got down to work in the new job. I set appointments, made appointments, listened to conference calls but most importantly learned. I learned that I need to hit the ground running and that I have a lot of free…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 7.9.2018