It is Christmas Day 2018 at 6:25 AM. Usually I like to write a Christmas Eve post to reflect on Christmases past and the magic that comes only on that night but I have caught a cold and wasn’t feeling too well. I just ran myself too ragged: we took a trip to Lake Tahoe…… Continue reading Christmas Day 2018
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry – 12.15.2018
It is 2:55 AM on Saturday December 15th, 2018. I’m still trying to get into the Christmas mood but it is hampered by a couple of things. The first is probably the news and the dire picture it paints about the state of the world. First and foremost we have a complete idiot of a…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 12.15.2018
My name on Mars
My name is now physically on Mars. I posted about this back in 2015 when names were being accepted by NASA. NASA Tweet The launch was delayed due to a seismometer issue and finally launched on May 5th, 2018. Well, it has arrived and I can now say that my name is physically…… Continue reading My name on Mars
Journal Entry – 12.8.2018
It is 4:44 AM on Saturday December 8th, 2018. I’ve had my wheat grass, made tea, meditated, responded to Facebook comments and updated WordPress to 2019 WordPress has changed the format quite a bit with this new release focusing on ‘blocks’ and changing theme to be more in line with mobile. I still prefer 2016…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 12.8.2018
Journal Entry – 12.2.2018
It is 7:23 on Sunday morning. The household is still asleep which is rare for this time but there is a 80% chance someone will wake up and be in the living room before 7:45 so I’m not left much time. I love the quiet of the morning. I also love this time of year…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 12.2.2018
Journal Entry – 11.28.18
It is 4:37 AM on November 18th, 2018. I’m in Dallas Texas for the start of our annual sales training meeting which runs through Friday. Today is also my son’s birthday and I’m bummed I cannot be there. I woke up early for Dallas and very early for California time. The reason is I didn’t…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 11.28.18
Journal Entry – 11.27.2018
It is 5:23 AM on Tuesday November 27th. I’m at the airport on my way to another sales training. These trainings aren’t bad but I don’t really like having them right after the Thanksgiving holiday. The first is that it will cause me to miss my son’s birthday. The second is that it hangs over…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 11.27.2018
Journal Entry – 11.21.2018
It is 5:22 AM on Thursday, November 21st 2018. It is the day before Thanksgiving. It is hard to believe we’re right in the middle of the holiday season already. My life has been a blur with the new job and the months have flown by. Usually I like to really absorb myself into the…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 11.21.2018