It is 10:19 AM on Tuesday November 26th, 2019. This is the Thanksgiving holiday week and in my line of work a slow time. Nobody wants to work this week and I certainly don’t want to cause any work for my customers. I only receive about two or three e-mails I need to take action…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 11.26.19
Category: Journal
My life journal.
Journal Entry 11.19.19
It is 12:35 PM on Tuesday November 19th, 2019. The weather is overcast with gray clouds, the temperature a cool 62 degrees and a strong wind blows through the trees. It is this type of weather that lets me know we are in autumn. There are a number of thoughts running through my head so…… Continue reading Journal Entry 11.19.19
Journal Entry – 10.22.19
It is 4:57 AM on Tuesday October 22nd. When I wake up this early I take a moment to look up at the stars. Orion is prominent in the autumn night sky and I can clearly make out his belt as well as the surrounding stars. It is only in that patch of sky that…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 10.22.19
Journal Entry 10.13.2019
It is 5:48 AM on Sunday October 13th, 2019. The moon hangs high above the trees partly obscured by a few passing clouds. The temperature is a cool 49 degrees. This is perfect weather for October, Halloween and the start of the holiday season. This year I was slow in taking the time to contemplate…… Continue reading Journal Entry 10.13.2019
Journal Entry 10.11.19
It is noontime on Friday October 10th, 2019. The morning has been especially reminiscent of autumn with a crisp, cool breeze blowing through the trees and a clearness of the blue ocean which is often obscured by fog in the summer. The leaves do not change colors much here on the coast, and it is…… Continue reading Journal Entry 10.11.19
Helping with Homework
I’ve started to help my son Kai a bit more with his homework. Today it was word problems as well as a spelling test I had to give and I just had a flashback to my own childhood and experience with homework. I suddenly remember that I hated homework and just realized I still hate…… Continue reading Helping with Homework
Journal Entry 9.25.19
It is 12:24 PM on Wednesday Sept 25th. I’ve been very busy for the past week but have a few moments during the lunch hour to get a post in. My mental state is not great. I don’t see how anyone’s mental state could be in a good place if you read the news in…… Continue reading Journal Entry 9.25.19
Catholic Church – Pedophile Priests
I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school throughout elementary and high school. Catholicism is what I was taught and what I knew. I am no longer Catholic and as an adult am in complete disbelief at how everyone just looked and still looks the other way when it came to pedophile priests. I…… Continue reading Catholic Church – Pedophile Priests