Google Home

I’ve always enjoyed technology and have often been a first adopter before new tech really goes mainstream. As I’ve gotten older my enthusiasm for always learning new things has waned a bit. I think this is because I have so much more technology in my life and technology is improving and changing at such a…… Continue reading Google Home

Technology upgrade

As I mentioned in a post or two ago I recently got excited about my VR goggles again due to discovering YouTube VR. Prior to that I had been rather bored with technology and in a rut checking Instagram, Facebook, the news and writing a blog post or two on an endless loop. Well, that…… Continue reading Technology upgrade

Computer Issues

I’ve finally solved a computer issue that had been a major thorn in my side for about 6 months. It was a problem that caused me to reinstall Windows, start using Windows 7, consider ditching Windows all together and using Linux, updating and deleting drivers and reading a ton of forums. It all started when…… Continue reading Computer Issues

Windows Reinstall

Story below this post is primarily a guide for myself. In case Windows completely malfunctions  Boot from Windows disk and do a complete reinstall.Pull out the motherboard CD and reinstall driversDo a Windows update Just when I thought the major stress had passed I was greeted with a catastrophic Windows failure. Cleaning out my computer…… Continue reading Windows Reinstall