The Year 2016 in Review

It is now 4:07 AM on January 14th, 2017.  The holidays of Christmas and New Year are distant memories that seem to have happened long, long ago. The time off was not relaxing due to two little boys.  Yes, we had fun and yes we made great memories but with two little ones there is…… Continue reading The Year 2016 in Review

At Twitter today In the lobby they have a computer set up where you can take a selfie with various props.  You’re then posted to the Twisitor feed.  Good fun!

Wednesday January 20th

It is 10:18 AM and I’m at the Ferry Building downtown. I’ve got a few spare moments ago thought I’d get a Blue Bottle coffee and see if I like posting from my cellphone. I have to say this swift keyboard isn’t bad and doesn’t make too many mistakes but I still am not much…… Continue reading Wednesday January 20th