It is Easter Sunday 2018 @ 5:23 PM. Yesterday I did the kids and adults karate classes and made it through just fine. Hyphen (sp?) gave me a nice back kick to the gut and although it didn’t knock the wind out of me like Yoshi’s a few weeks ago it did knock me back. …… Continue reading Journal Entry – Easter Sunday 2018
Category: Pacifica
Posts from Pacifica, California. My hometown.
November 15th, 2017
It is 5:48 AM on November 15th, 2017. It is a cool, dark Pacifica morning with a heavy breeze rustling through the eucalyptus trees. In 45 minutes it will be dawn and the day will slowly begin. People are now waking up getting ready for the day and perhaps everyone is in a slightly better…… Continue reading November 15th, 2017
今夜の月を見ると万葉集の 詩に思い出す
Meditation in Virtual Reality
All the politics made me need to meditate in the virtual reality Hana Valley this morning; here are some screenshots – isn’t it lovely! I think I also may need to meditate at the Devil’s Slide Tap Room with a few glasses of amber ale later on. Link to meditation app: The Holy Harajuku…… Continue reading Meditation in Virtual Reality
Politics, Religion and getting into the holiday spirit
It is 3:45 AM and I’m feeling a little grumpy. I did not want to feel grumpy, I wanted to be in a holiday mood! So perhaps this post will let me release a bit of grumpiness and then perhaps if I concentrate I can switch my mood. The reason I’m a bit sour is…… Continue reading Politics, Religion and getting into the holiday spirit
Perigee Super Moon 2016
Perigee Super Moon 2016: the Moon hasn’t been this close to the Earth since January 6th, 1948 and won’t be again until November 25th, 2034. *Reminder to look back at this post in 2034 and remind myself of what my life was on 11/13/2016. I’ll be 57. I wonder what my grandparents were doing on…… Continue reading Perigee Super Moon 2016
The Misty Mountains at Dawn
Do NOT skip second breakfast if intending to climb!
Journal Entry – Devil’s Slide Taproom
So far today I’ve gotten a massive amount of gardening done. The front island was overgrown and I had to get the trellis in the ground so we could buy the climbing plants. And why did I get to do gardening? Well, today I have a bit of rare free time from the kids and…… Continue reading Journal Entry – Devil’s Slide Taproom