Revelations: Extremely interesting things I’ve learned that should be common knowledge but are not. Before modern sanitation was invented a lot of people had worms. I learned this from the Lloyds Bank coprolite (viking turd) studied by Paleoscatologists. Another common discovery in old faecal matter are trichuris nematodes – or whip worms – that can…… Continue reading Revelations
Author: Mateo de Colón
Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! \(^.^)/
A Life of Forgetfulness
I’m 41 years old. I’ve always considered myself to have a very good memory as I can remember events from my childhood in full resolution. I also remember all of my old friendships and could pickup with my friends right were we left off even two decades later. However, in interacting with my old acquaintances…… Continue reading A Life of Forgetfulness
この世界の片隅にIn This Corner of the WorldWikipedia- This is a very powerful movie. It is the story of a simple countryside girl who goes through life in wartime Japan. Usually when we hear of war stories there is a good side and a bad side, reasons are justified and perhaps some heroes are thrown in. …… Continue reading この世界の片隅に
Totoro – Countryside summer nights
I spend a few weeks at my in-laws every summer in Japan. They live in the countryside but not in quite as a remote place as in the movie Totoro. This GIF captures my dream of a perfect summer night in Japan. I’m among my books studying Japanese, in a very remote countryside seeped…… Continue reading Totoro – Countryside summer nights
What’s It Like Coming Back to Earth?
What’s it like coming back to Earth? Yeah.There’s a scene in the Lord of the Rings Movies where the hobbits come back from saving Middle Earth and they go to their local bar and nobody really recognizes them or cares what they’ve done. Everybody is more interested in this guy that has this big pumpkin. …… Continue reading What’s It Like Coming Back to Earth?
Journal Entry – 2.24.19 – Second Post
Immediately after finishing my previous post I put on my Oculus VR, opened up the meditation app and found myself sitting in a grass field. My favorite meditation practice is Zen, where the goal is to have a clear mind like the sky and to just ‘be.’ Thoughts are like white clouds that arrive out…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 2.24.19 – Second Post
Journal Entry – 2.24.2019
It is Sunday February 24th at 5:52 AM. It looks like I’m back to my old routine of naturally waking up very early. I think the mostly has to do with getting back into my exercise routine which promotes a very restful sleep. I still haven’t started the morning gym routine again but I’m back…… Continue reading Journal Entry – 2.24.2019
Journal Entry – 2.22.2019
It is 5:15 AM on Friday February 22nd, 2019. This morning is the first time I’ve woken up very early but also decided to get up in 2019. Yes, I would still wake up early but just could not find the motivation or energy to actually get out of bed and would just fall asleep. …… Continue reading Journal Entry – 2.22.2019